Feb 5, 2011

Blue Eyed Boys

The Problem Statement for the Blue Eyed Boys Problem goes as follows :

There are 1000 people on an island. They have either a pair of blue eyes or black eyes. There is atleast one blue eyed and one black eyed person on the island. They have no way of seeing their own eyes, but can see everyone else’s eyes. No one can communicate with anyone else. Anyone who comes to know that they have blue eyes commits suicide.
One day a blue-eyed stranger comes to the island and unknowingly says that “ I’m glad that atleast someone else has blue eyes “. After some days, all the blue eyed persons commit suicide (not necessarily together). Can you explain how ???

Mail your solutions to : harshgupta1987@gmail.com
Please do not post solutions on the blog as comments. Allow the others to try as well.

Happy solving !
Cheers !

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