- Business Masters (2011): Team IIT (Shailesh Gupta, Sudipto Sannigrahi, Srichandana) was the only Indian team to be selected for the finals of Business Masters 2010, an international case study competition organized by KIT, Germany in association with BASF-The world’s largest chemical company
- The Hat trick (2011): Business plan developed by a team led by Nalin Gupta bagged three Golds in the competitions Concipio and Envision organized by E-Cell, IIT Kharagpur and Eureka organized by Khitij – the largest techno-management fest in Asia.
- GE Ecomagination (2010): Akhilesh Betanamudi was a part of the team which won the Special Students Award in GE’s Ecomagination International Challenge. He was also a finalist at Al Gore Sustainability Challenge
- International E-Waste Competition (2011): Shailesh Gupta and Nalin Gupta was a part of the team which won Gold prize in the prestigious International E-Waste Competition. They had collaborated with an international team of University of Cape Town for A/B testing in diverse markets.